Free design seismic data recorder


A free hardware design seismic data logger meeting the needs of scientific data collection and the deployment in rugged conditions.

Ruwai is the spin-off of the Community Environmental Observation Network (CEON) project. Within CEON, the proof-of-concept and a first prototype of the free hardware design seismic data recorder was developed. The data logger is named Ruwai and is now further developed so that it can be used in day-to-day data collection.

The main focus is on full transparency and easy reproducibility. All hardware design files are publish under a creative commons licence and the software source code is published using a GPL license.

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  • Git repository    Software source code and hardware design files.
Related Projects
The project started March, 2015 and is still running.

Within the project I have the followxing responsibilies:

  • project lead
  • core developer

The aims by Mertl Research for this project are:

  1. Development of a free hardware design seismograph.

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